This year I'm trying to focus a little more on Giving Opportunities that you and your family can participate in - no matter where you live. Each week starting November 27th I will be featuring at least 1 charity or program you can participate in.
One of the things I got to thinking about today was that everyone is participating in the Black Friday & Cyber Monday events - there are so many sales and specials right now and we receive wonderful discounts. Why not buy a toy or two for someone in need at the same time? You can have it shipped with your items and save a little on shipping too!
I was visiting with
Heather Weiss whom I met online recently and she is a Discovery Toys Independent Consultant who likes to use her business to help out others. She very generously offered 3 of the Story Stackers to review and
GIVE to our local Open Door Mission for their annual toy drive. Thank you so much Heather!
Story Stackers is a 9 piece stacking system that encourages eye-hand coordination, sequencing, thinking skills, numeration, colors, geometric shapes and size relativity. Best of all toddlers love the bright colors and the FUN of playing with it. It's sturdy, made of wood, comes with the stand, colored discs and 3 wooden heads (a chicken, a pig and a cow).

There are many other toys through Discovery Toys that you can purchase for your children to play with - or if your kid's are to old for Discovery Toys you can donate a few toys to your local mission, children's hospital, church (they have families they know who have needs.) There are so many ways you can give - just ask around and I'm sure someone can give you some direction.
You may be interested in:
The Open Door Mission (how you can help)
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